
DragonFly IV

Build, Test, and Iterate Electronics in a Single Day

A multi-material, multi-layer 3D printer that generates entire circuits in one step — including substrate, conductive traces, and passive components


Design Flexibility Beyond Traditional Boundaries

A completely new way to build electronics

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Freedom in Three Dimensions

Layouts can now make connections in any 3D direction

Novel Form Factors

FLIGHT software allows for new shapes in electro-mechanical CAD

Transformational Processes

Highly agile design and production in days, not weeks or months

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Digital End-to-End Execution

Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME) removes human error and lengthy manual operations

Cleaner Methods

3D printing eliminates toxic chemical waste and dramatically reduces energy consumption

Generate Devices in House

Turn ideas into fully functional circuits within hours

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Protect Your IP

Keep ideas confidential within your organization

High Performance

Component electrical performance is comparable to traditional devices

Guided by Deep Learning

DeepCube — the first AI devoted to additive manufacturing

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Better Yield

Self-learning artificial intelligence dramatically improves printed output

Real-Time Correction

DeepCube can detect and correct for small defects during production

Electronic Devices (Hi-PEDs®)

3D Printed Bow Tie Antenna

The  DragonFly™ System can print antennas and arrays using conductive nano-particle silver and dielectric inks.

Sphere Phased Array Antenna

5G technology demands improved performance, functionality, and increased miniaturization.

Vertically-stacked Integrated Circuits

Stacked ICs in an AME structure have a higher circuitry density than traditional PCBs.

IOT / WIFI Access Point

This IoT/WiFi access point achieved a tested data transmission and reception accuracy of over 99%.

3D Printed Inductor for Wireless Charger

The DragonFly™ 3D printer created a new class of inductor leveraging new 3D circuit layout

3D-Printed RF Amplifier

L3 Harris Corporation and Nano Dimension collaborated to use of additive manufacturing for radio frequency (RF) circuits in RF systems.

See how DragonFly IV is changing electronic device fabrication

Pair with our FLIGHT software

DragonFly IV Tech Specs and Capabilities

  • Dimensions
    1,400mm x 800mm x 1,800mm
  • Weight
    520kg, (1,150lbs)
  • Power Supply*
    230 VAC, 20A, 50–60Hz
  • Network Connectivity
    Ethernet TCP/IP 10/100/1000
  • Operational Humidity
    Above 35% non-condensing
  • Operational Temperature
    18°C (64°F) to 28°C (82°F)
  • Regulatory Compliance
    UL, CE, FCC
  • Deposition Technology
    Piezo drop-on-demand inkjet
  • Number of Printheads
    2, one for each ink: conductive and dielectric
  • Software
    FLIGHT Software Suite (Design, Verification, Pre-Production)
  • Build Volume
    160mm x 160mm x 3mm
  • Inks
    Optimized silver nano particles and dielectric inks
  • Supported File Formats
    All major ECAD and MCAD Software, ODB++, Gerber & Excellon, STLs
  • Resolution
    18 µm (x), 18 µm (y), 10 µm (z)
  • Min. Line/Space
    75 μm traces/ 150 μm spacing
  • Min. BGA Pitch
    400 μm
  • Min. Via
    200 µm
  • Min. Dielectric Layer Thickness
    10.0 μm
  • Min. Conductive Layer Thickness
    1.18 μm
  • Conductivity (Relative to Copper)
    30% +/-5%
  • Dielectric Constant (Dk) @ 2 GHz/15 GHz
    2.77 / 2.78
  • Tangential Loss (Df) @ 2 GHz/15 GHz
    0.015 / 0.018

* Must use UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

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This data represents typical tested values at a controlled environment. Material properties can vary with part geometry, print orientation, print settings, environmental conditions and additional variables. To learn more about specific testing conditions, please contact a Nano Dimension representative. Specific performance of customer parts should be tested in accordance with customer’s specifications.

The above detailed data was tested, measured, or calculated using standard methods based on, inter alia, ASTM and IPC standards and are subject to change without notice. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Nano Dimension (including any affiliate thereof) disclaims all warranties of any kind, express or implied. The above detailed data should not be used to establish design, quality control, or specification limits, and is not intended to substitute customer’s own testing to determine suitability for a particular application.

DragonFly IV in Action Spotlight

“The suitability of the DragonFly system to rapidly and affordably manufacture functional prototypes, combined with the broad ecosystem of applications for health and energy harvesting, makes it an ideal choice…”

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Anytime, Anywhere.